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The Electoral Roll

What is the Electoral Roll?

In the Church of England, it is a parish’s register of electors; it is the list of those qualified to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) where the elections take place for the Parochial Church Council (The PCC), and the parish’s representatives on the Deanery Synod.

The Electoral Roll is also our membership list, the number we can count upon as committed members of the St Laurence’s community. The contact details of our Electoral Roll Officer can be found on our Contacts Page.

The more formal stuff

The Church Electoral Roll must be kept accurately. To achieve accuracy the roll is revised annually and the new Roll is reported at the APCM. The Roll is used to determine eligibility for attendance and participation at the annual parochial church meeting and for election to the parochial church council. It is also used to determine eligibility for election to the deanery, diocesan and general synods. In addition it is used for the calculation of the number of representatives who may be elected to each of these synods in the following year.

Every sixth year, instead of a revision, a completely new Roll has to be prepared.  2025 is the year when this will occur.  It means that everybody who is currently on the Electoral Roll for the parish of LUDLOW – St Laurence has to re-apply.   

Every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment during March this year.  Further information will be given in early March.  Please contact your Electoral Roll Officer if you have any queries. 

You can apply online by clicking here.  Paper copies of Application Forms are available in the South Porch of the Church and should be returned to the Electoral Roll Officer.  Before ticking box 2A please check that you do actually live in the Parish (Check the FAQ below and look at the Parish Map – Our Parish is marked A or ask the Electoral Roll Officer) otherwise tick box 2B.

Why we want you to complete a form

  1. Being a member of the electoral roll gives you the opportunity to have your say. This will include giving you a vote at the APCM. (You are not on the electoral roll unless you complete a form).
  1. It allows us to maintain our records accurately.
  1. The number of people on the roll can determine the number of lay people allowed to be on the PCC but makes no difference to the amount we pay the Diocese.

Frequently asked questions

Who can be on the Electoral Roll?

  1. The Church Electoral Roll is for lay persons only. Retired clergy are still clergy and therefore not eligible for inclusion.
  2. To be entitled to be included on the Roll a lay person must be:
    a. Baptised
    b. over 16 years of age on or before the date of the annual parochial church meeting.
    c. either – a member of the Church of England, or a Church in Communion with the Church of England, and resident in the parish. (There is no requirement to go to church regularly).
    or – a member of the Church of England, or a Church in communion with the Church of England, and resident in another parish, but habitually attending worship in the chosen parish for at least 6 months prior to enrolment (unless prevented from doing so by illness or other sufficient cause).
    or – a member of a Church subscribing to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, such as Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, URC, etc (in other words, most mainstream Christian churches but not, for example, Unitarians or Jehovah’s Witnesses) and prepared to declare themselves a member of the Church of England, and having habitually attended worship in the chosen parish for at least 6 months prior to enrolment.
    d. A person must also have signed an application form for enrolment.

Can I be on more than one Electoral Roll?

A person can be on the Roll of several parishes if fulfilling the above criteria, but can only use one parish for the purposes of membership of the PCC, elections to synods, etc.

When can I add my name to the Roll?

Names can be added to or removed from the Roll at any time during the course of the year, except between the completion of the Roll and the close of the APCM. All such changes must be reported to the next meeting of the PCC.

What are the boundaries of the Parish of Ludlow - St Laurence?

Within the town of Ludlow the Parish is delimited by the railway line to the North and East and the River Teme to the South and West.

Parish Map

I live in the parish; won't I automatically be on the Roll?

Living in the parish will not automatically add you to the electoral roll.

I attend services in St Laurence’s regularly; won't I automatically be on the Roll?

Coming to church regularly or giving regularly will not automatically add you to the electoral roll.

How do I add my name to the Roll?

You can only be added to the electoral roll if you complete, sign and return your form to the electoral roll officer.

How can I remove my name from the Roll?

You can be removed from the electoral roll by writing to the electoral roll officer.

Where do I get an application form?

Paper copies of the application form are available in the church porch


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