The Usual Pattern of Services in St Laurence’s
Please check the weekly notices for variations
Each Sunday there will be a Holy Communion (BCP) service at 8.15am to be followed by a Parish Eucharist at 10am. The Parish Eucharist is usually Live Streamed and available on this website.
On the 1st Sunday each month there will be a Choral Evensong at 3.30pm and there will be a Choral Matins at 11.30am on the 3rd Sunday.
On the 4th Sunday of the month there is also a service of Celtic Prayer at 6pm.
If this is your first time that you are attending a service at St Laurence’s click here
Our usual pattern of services on Sundays and during the week is shown below.
We have also put together some online service resources for you to access.
Sunday Services
1st Sunday
8.15am Holy Communion BCP St John’s Chapel
10am Choral Eucharist Nave
3.30pm Choral Evensong Chancel
2nd Sunday
8.15am Holy Communion BCP St John’s Chapel
10am Sung Parish Eucharist Nave
3rd Sunday
8.15am Holy Communion BCP St John’s Chapel
10am Sung Parish Eucharist Nave
11.30am Choral Matins Chancel
4th Sunday
8.15am Holy Communion BCP St John’s Chapel
10am Sung Parish Eucharist Nave
6pm Celtic Prayer West End of Nave
5th Sunday
8.15am Holy Communion BCP St John’s Chapel
10am Benefice Eucharist Nave
10am Benefice Eucharist at St John’s Church
Weekday Services
Monday & Friday
9.30am Daily Prayer
First Wednesday of the Month
6pm Holy Communion
Sung and Choral Services
The parish choir sing full choral services at Matins and Evensong and on the 1st Sunday of the month a full choral Eucharist, on the other Sunday mornings a congregational setting is sung.