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First time in church?

We know that coming to a church for the first time can be quite intimidating.

Even for a seasoned church-goer, a new church throws up all sorts of questions. Well, here we try to answer those questions… and above all let you know that you’ll be made welcome at St Laurence’s.

Before the service

When are the services?

Times of the services can be found on the website – but the main service is at 10am on a Sunday morning. This is when most people come.

Can I park at the church?

Unfortunately, we have no car park. The nearest town car park is Castle Square car park (50p per hour on a Sunday) but the Galdeford car park is free on a Sunday.

Can I just walk in?

Yes! Anyone is welcome. The usual entrance is through the South Porch, along the alleyway from the Buttercross.

I use a wheelchair – can I get in?

Yes. There is level access into the church from the South Porch. We can remove chairs to help you choose where you’d like to be during the service – just have a chat with one of our welcomers.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code. Some people feel more comfortable dressing smartly for church, others prefer to come along dressed more casually. Although the church is heated to a reasonable temperature, it is always a good idea to have some extra layers in cold weather just in case!

How long will the service be?

It depends what kind of service it is. Usually about an hour, sometimes a little longer.

Do I need to bring anything?

No. However there is a retiring collection so you may want to bring some money.  Card payments are also able to be made.

I don’t know if I’m a Christian – does that matter?

No – all are welcome, whatever stage you’re at in your thoughts about Christianity.

What happens when I walk in?

You’ll be given a smile and a welcoming hello. Pick up a service sheet from the baskets.

Where do I sit?

Pretty much anywhere you like. A welcomer will guide you to a seat if you wish. It’s best to choose somewhere with a good view of the altar (so not behind a pillar!). If you have small children you might find it easier to sit by the NW corner nearest the children’s area – but it’s up to you.


If you have come as family or friends of those having a Baptism as part of the service, you are likely to be guided towards the area at the back of the Nave so that you are nearer to the font.

Will anyone speak to me?

Hopefully yes! We do try and give a friendly hello to anyone new – it helps us if you let us know it’s your first time.


During the service

How do I know when to stand up and sit down?

The service sheet should indicate this – but a good tip is to watch what others do.

And how do I know when we are supposed to say something aloud?

It will be printed in bold in the service sheet.

What if I don’t know the hymns?

Don’t worry – we have a wide range of hymns and no one can know them all. Try and join in as it goes along. No one will mind if you don’t sing.

Should I kneel down for the prayers?

Most people just sit quietly in their seats, heads bowed, during prayers but a few hassocks are available for those wishing to kneel.  Ask one of the welcomers if you wish to have one.

How long will the sermon be?

Most sermons at St Laurence’s are about 10 minutes and most are really quite interesting, usually based on the Bible reading for the day, and often including day-to-day issues.

Help – people are waving at each other – what do I do?

At the ‘Peace’ the minister will say ‘let us offer one another a sign of peace’. Here we would normally shake hands with those around us – each time saying ‘peace be with you’, hopefully with a smile! At the moment we are waving at each other.

Should I go up during the communion?

Please do. You’ll see the welcomers coming up the church inviting people to come in turn. Everyone is invited up to the altar at communion. If you usually take communion in other churches, or have taken it before, then please do take communion with us. If you’ve never taken communion, please do still come up and receive a blessing – many people do. Just follow everyone else, holding your service sheet in your hand so that the clergy  will know that you’re there for a blessing. After your blessing, go back to your seat.

But if you prefer to stay in your seat, that’s fine, no one will mind. Sometimes people watch what’s going on the first few times they come to church, then join in when they feel comfortable.

Can I bring my children?

Yes – please do. Children of all ages are very welcome at St Laurence’s – and we have activities just for them. There’s a safe and friendly children’s area in church which you can use during the service (you stay with your child).

After the service

How do I know the service has ended?

The clergy will give a blessing and then walk down the aisle to the doors at the back of church. People will sit down, and sometimes will spend a few moments in a quiet prayer before getting up.

What should I do with the service sheet?

Please take it home with you.We create new sheets for each service so we don’t need them back.

Do I have to come every week?

Of course we’d love you to feel you want to come regularly, but we know that’s not easy for everyone. Come when you can.

I’d like to come regularly – should I tell someone?

It’s always good for us to know if someone is new, and especially if they feel they’d like to come regularly. Let one of the stewards know, or tell one of the clergy. But you can just keep coming along if you prefer – we’ll notice!