Where there's a will .... there's a way

Most of us would like to be certain that, after death, our money and property will go to help the people or organisations close to our hearts. You can help St Laurence’s by remembering us in your will and providing for the future work of the church in Ludlow.
You should seek the advice of a solicitor and leave clear legal instructions in the form of a will. Your will can be changed at any time, either by making a new one, or by recording the alterations in a codicil.
When you die your estate will normally need to pay inheritance tax if your assets, including your home, are valued at more than a certain value. However gifts of money or other assets that you leave to a charity such as St Laurence’s under your will can be made free of tax.
Areas of church work you could support:
• Mission – allowing the Rector and Churchwardens to decide the most effective way to use the funds in the wider ministry of the church at the time of your gift.
• Music – providing long-term funding to ensure that the unique choral heritage, the Snetzler organ, the tower bells and the carillon of St Laurence’s can be maintained and enhanced.
• Heritage – helping to ensure that the wonderful fabric, stained glass, misericords and our unique treasures are maintained for future generations.
Should you wish to make a bequest to St Laurence’s the following suggested clauses might be of assistance to you. You should check the latest changes in inheritance and tax law with your solicitor.
A specific bequest is typically used for the legacy of a fixed amount, a property or some other specified item.
“I bequeath to (insert name of charity *) the sum of £……. and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer for the time being or other proper officer of the charity shall be sufficient discharge for such legacy.”
“I bequeath to (insert name of charity *) the following item(s) ……. and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer for the time being or other proper officer of the charity shall be sufficient discharge for such legacy.”
A residuary bequest is used for the legacy of what remains after specific bequests to family and friends.
“I bequeath to (insert name of charity*) all (or …. share) of the residue of my estate and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer for the time being or other proper officer of the charity shall be a sufficient discharge of the same.”
* When making a gift to St Laurence’s please use our registered charity name – ‘The Parish of Ludlow Saint Laurence’.
If you are considering making or changing your will, please take legal advice.
For further information on how you might help St Laurence’s or to discuss, in confidence, a potential legacy please contact us through the Parish Office to make an appointment.