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could this be a suitable venue for your event?

Booking 'The Space'

Located in the heart of Ludlow close to town-centre car parks and other amenities St Laurence’s church can be an ideal venue for your event.

The large, adaptable and accessible building will seat 400+ people in the nave, with smaller areas suitable for a variety of events.

The church is popular for both daytime and evening concerts and has also hosted national music broadcasts, talks, exhibitions, plays, films, wedding and funeral receptions, pop-up restaurants, meetings and general election hustings.

Groups booking the Space are expected to respect the primary function and heritage of the church and to undertake to leave The Space as it was found.

What does it cost?

St Laurence’s church costs approximately £1000 a day to keep the roof on and the doors open, ensuring that it is a welcoming place to visit – and events help to support the church and make it available for future generations.

Events also cost money to host – we appreciate that different events will have different sizes of audiences and fees may be varied accordingly – we try and reflect this in our charges.

For more information about costs, please contact the Parish Office.

Is the date I want available?

St Laurence’s is a busy place so we publish our diary to keep everyone informed – please look at the calendar and use it to check what is happening.

If the date in the calendar is free there is a good chance that it is available but please don’t assume – there may be an event not yet booked in or something happening in the church that prevents an event taking place.

When you have found some possible dates then please contact the Parish Office.

What is involved in putting on an event in the church?

Talk to us – we are used to hosting events in St Laurence’s and can help you with the things that you need to think about.

Our booking form provides us with basic information to get your event booked in and it will give you some guidelines. We also have a checklist which we will run through with you nearer the event – this ensures that nothing is missed.

What about advertising the event?

You are responsible for advertising your own event and we would advise you to get in touch with the various town websites and local newspapers. We can help by putting posters you provide in our boards; we will also attach posters to prominent places inside and outside the church.

The church calendar on our website will list your event. We also encourage you to make full use of social media.

Our Booking Form

Contact us to agree a provisional date then we will send you booking form to complete and return to the Parish Office.

Terms and Conditions 

Click here for Information for Hirers

Click here for General Terms and Conditions

Click here for General Information for Hirers of the Ludlow Festival Steinway Piano

Click here for Terms and Conditions for hiring the Ludlow Festival Steinway Piano