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Anna Chaplaincy – a Chaplain for older people

At St Laurence’s church we have a chaplain, an Anna Chaplain, whose role is to offer support to the older people in our community.

An Anna Chaplain :

  • Offers spiritual support to all older people, their relatives and the staff who look after them.
  • Promotes the spiritual welfare of older people in the wider community of Ludlow.

An Anna Chaplain can:

  • Help older people reflect on their spiritual journey including the healing of memories, and dealing with outstanding issues such as guilt or lack of forgiveness.
  • Offer spiritual support so that older people may live more peacefully in their last years and prepare to face the end of their earthly lives.
  • Help and support relatives to better understand the spiritual issues that older people face in the latter stages of their lives.

So what does ‘spiritual’ mean?  For Christians, spirituality will include a sense of God in their lives.  For other people, their spirituality includes the things which give meaning and purpose in life, like the people they love and who love them, their passions and commitments.

Caroline Culley is our Anna Chaplain in addition to her role as Reader, or Licensed Lay Minister, licensed to the churches of St Laurence’s and St John’s in Ludlow.

Please feel free to get in touch with her. Her contact details can be found on the Contacts Page

For more information on Anna Chaplaincy Click Here.